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Our tenants

Thank you for being our tenant and for visiting our page. If you having an issue, or need a landlord statement contact us here.

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Contact us here!

For Rentals

Please answer these question in your message 1) Reason for moving, 2) How long have you lived in your current home 3) Do you work or get assistance 4) If you work what programs will be helping you. 5) Which apartment do you want?

For Our Tenant

Answer these questions

1) what is the issue, 2) is this an emergency? Click the email below if you have a pictures to show us!


For Workers Quick Cash!

We are always looking for all kinds of help sometime it is cleaning other times it is painting. Please tell us if you have any experience with houses even if it is just cleaning. What do you want to do? and Do you have a car? make sure to include your contact info thank you.

Thanks for submitting!

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